Reviewing Rental Requests

You will receive an email when it's time for you to review requests.

Rental requests 1 email

You can also sign into the website, click on your name in the top-right corner, and then click on the "Dashboard" link...

Rental requests 2 nav dashboard find a list of requests awaiting your review.

Rental requests 3 dashboard

Click on the link in your email or from your dashboard to view the request.

Let's start by looking at the request "Summary."

Rental requests 4 summary

Now let's see the summary with annotation.

Rental requests 5 summary annotated

The toolbar gives you quick access to a few functions.

Rental requests 9 toolbar

Let's look more closely at the tabs. Click on "Application" if you would like to view the information provided by the renter. Click on "Messages" if you would like to communicate with the renter.

Rental requests 6 request tabs

When you are ready to make your decision, click on the "Approval" tab.

Rental requests 7 approvals

Now let's look at the approvals page with annotation.

Rental requests 8 approvals annotated

After you approve/deny all of the requested event dates, your job is done!